Your Initial Athlete Profile tells us the information that we need to be able to support you in moving forward with your sport or discipline.  We can look to provide support through an online program or if you don’t feel that is enough then we can use Skype to conduct sessions over the internet.  Certainly just completing the IAP will clarify within yourself how focussed you are and what are your most pressing challenges at the moment.  Take a good look at where you are and where you want to go and we will help you make the steps in between.

You will need to download (right click and choose "Save Target as...") the Initial Athlete Profile form and either fill it in using Adobe Reader save and "email" <Warrick at va dot net dot nz> with subject "Initial Athlete Profile" it to us, or you can print it out and fill it in by hand before scanning it and "emailing" <Warrick at va dot net dot nz> with subject "Initial Athlete Profile" it to us.  Either way, when we receive it then we will get back to you with two working days with how we can support you.

(right click and choose "Save Target as...")

If you have a straight forward question then post it on the blog and we can advise you from there.  Don’t forget to check out our free resources for some quality tips for becoming mentally tough.