So you are involved in one of the most disciplined and mentally taxing sports available? You know how tough endurance and strength training sessions can be, but that is what you love about your sport and about yourself. The challenge of pushing yourself through the pain barrier in the next training session is more about the mind than the body.

Training your mind to focus on challenges that you have succeeded in and understanding that ‘lactic’ pain is a necessary sign of progress can improve your next erg session or time trial. Or it can just help you get up that hill as you prepare for Hatepe and the Lake Taupo Challenge.

It all comes down to your self-awareness and your goals, knowing where you are now, where you want to go, and putting enough mental skill steps in-between to ensure you get to your exciting destination! Your Initial athlete profile will indicate how prepared you are, and may also highlight areas that you haven’t yet looked at. Contact us with your personal profile; we are thrilled to help you achieve your goals!.